
Stubborn dogs: which dog breeds are stubborn?

Stubborn dogs: which dog breeds are stubborn?

Stubborn dogs: which dog breeds are stubborn?

Some dog breeds are said to be particularly stubborn. They are quickly labeled as stubborn dogs, although they are not disobedient out of malicious spite. The four-legged friends in the following list usually have a mind of their own – but are still (or perhaps because of this) extremely lovable.

As soon as four-legged friends disobey, they are considered “stubborn dogs”, although it is due to misunderstandings in human-dog communication and training errors when dogs seem stubborn. However, some dog breeds need more consistent training and greater incentives than others to listen to their favorite humans’ commands.

Beagles are often headstrong

The Beagle was bred to be a hunting and pack dog; its main job was and is – when used for hunting – to independently follow a scent and work with its Beagle friends to drive the prey back to the hunter. However, this instinct is also in the blood of the four-legged friends that are kept as family dogs. Therefore, with the Beagle you need to express especially clear, unambiguous commands and practice them consistently.

He also needs enough exercise, for example with nose work, obedience or other dog sports and intelligence games. It is important that you challenge and encourage him both physically and mentally, otherwise he can actually become a stubborn dog. The good thing is: Beagles are usually not averse to edible treats and can be wonderfully “bribed” with treats.

Dachshund: Small dog breed with great self-confidence

Dachshunds were also bred for hunting; they were originally intended to track down foxes and badgers, enter their burrows and flush them out so that the hunter could kill the animals. In addition, Dachshunds, like Beagles for example, were supposed to follow tracks independently. In their tasks, it is an advantage to be stubborn, since humans cannot help them in following a trail and in the fox or badger den, and the dog must make its own decisions. Therefore, the term “stubborn dogs” can also be a compliment.

It means that even today Dachshunds make their own decisions when they do not receive clear instructions from their humans. However, harshness will not get you far with the little “stubborn dogs”, rather – it cannot be said often enough – loving consistency and positive reinforcement will help. Besides, Dachshunds get bored and get “stupid ideas” if you don’t keep them busy in a manner appropriate to their species. Like the Beagle, a Dachshund appreciates nose work and obedience training.

English Bulldog tends to be “stubborn”.

English Bulldogs are actually very sweet, good-natured dogs. They have a hard time getting ruffled and like to take it easy. Conversely, however, this means that you also have to show a lot of patience and perseverance in training the pelt noses, otherwise bulldogs are also stubborn dogs. Convince your bulldog that it’s worth it for them to obey your commands – but be sparing with treats when choosing rewards, as dogs tend to be overweight.

Are Chihuahuas stubborn dogs?

The Chihuahua is easily underestimated due to its small body size and cute appearance. This leads to it not being challenged according to its intelligence, curiosity and perceptiveness. In addition, many tend to set too few boundaries for the confident little guy because he is so cute and cuddly. Chihuahuas also tend to bond closely with their favorite people and demand attention from them accordingly.

It often happens, therefore, that the cute sassy dogs act very jealous when their heart’s man directs his attention to someone or something other than the Chihuahua. Nevertheless, stubborn dogs are not necessarily the little pelt-noses. They simply need even more love, patience and consistency than other dog breeds that are less stubborn, and sufficient employment – agility, dog dancing and other dog sports are fun for them and they also like to learn various tricks.

Jack Russell Terriers have a mind of their own

The Jack Russell Terrier, just like the Dachshund, Beagle and other terriers, belongs to the dog breeds that were originally bred for hunting. They have always been expected to think and decide on their own, so they must first learn to listen to their humans. Although terriers are stubborn, they love to learn and can get excited about a wide variety of dog sports and tricks. This takes time and commitment, but those who are willing to put in both and spend time with these great four-legged friends will be rewarded with a loyal, faithful companion.



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