
Make your own ice cream for dogs: Delicious recipes

Make your own ice cream for dogs: Delicious recipes

Make your own ice cream for dogs: Delicious recipes

Even dogs are not averse to a little refreshment in the summer and love ice cream! However, human ice cream usually contains too much sugar for the four-legged friend. Fortunately, you can make dog ice cream yourself quite easily. Natural yogurt, quark or cottage cheese are suitable as a base, otherwise you can mix in all the ingredients that your dog likes to eat.

Ice cream for dogs should be prepared in small yogurt cups or ice cube containers, so that it is well proportioned. Four-legged friends don’t tolerate too much of the cool treat at once. Diarrhea, vomiting and stomach aches can result. However, small, slightly thawed portions are not a problem and are a welcome change on the menu in the summer heat. Tip: Freeze a small chew bone as a handle or a few treats with it, your dog is doubly happy about it.

Fruit ice cream for dogs

Strawberries, apples, pears or bananas like not only people, but also dogs. If you want to make ice cream from them yourself, clean or peel the fruit and puree it. Then mix it with low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or cottage cheese, put the mixture into small containers and freeze it overnight.

The mixing ratio is up to you – depending on how fond of fruit your animal gourmet is. But make sure that the ingredients are without added sugar or salt, then you won’t go wrong. Before you serve Bello and Waldi the fruity refreshment, the ice cream should thaw a little.

Cold liverwurst treat for four-legged friends

The following recipe is likely to please two-legged friends only to a limited extent, but dogs will love it: Liverwurst Ice Cream! Whisk together an unsweetened, unsalted dairy product with liverwurst and freeze the mix in small portions. Liverwurst ice cream can still be enhanced with vegetables, meat broth or dog biscuit pieces.

Dog ice cream with peanut butter

Peanut butter is also an excellent ingredient for dog ice cream. However, it should also be unsalted and unsweetened. Whipped up with some yogurt and mashed bananas and frozen, the ice cream also tastes really good to humans. Leave some for your dog, though!

Vegetables and fish for animal ice cream

In addition to meat and sausage, you can also use fish to make dog ice cream. However, there should definitely not be more bones in it. If you want to use canned tuna or any other kind, the fish should not be in oil or brine. The fish is chopped, enriched with vegetables if necessary and mixed with cottage cheese, yogurt or cottage cheese before going into the freezer.



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