
How to break your dog of constant barking

How to break your dog of constant barking

How to break your dog of constant barking

If you want to break your dog from excessive barking, you should first find out the cause of your dog’s behavior. Once this has been found, the next step is to tackle the barking problem, for which we have put together some tips here.

Whether due to breed, boredom, or fear: excessive barking can have many causes. In our guide: “What is the reason when the dog barks constantly?” you will find some tips for finding the cause and also a dog trainer will be happy to help you. After that, some training is in order, with which you can get your dog out of the habit of constant barking.

If constant barking is breed-related: This is how you can get rid of it.

Certain dog breeds bark more often than others and enjoy it – allow them to, but in moderation. In the best-case scenario, you’ll make being quiet on command just as palatable as barking to your favorite who needs to communicate.

If your dog likes to start yapping concerts as soon as the front doorbell rings, you can try the following: Barking three times is OK, then say “Off!” or another command, which they will use consistently if you want to break him of the unwanted barking.

If he is quiet, praise him extensively but calmly so that he does not feel animated by excitement to bark again. If he does start barking again, play the same game again: praise him as soon as he has listened to your “Off!”. He will quickly understand. It is essential that you be patient and not scold your pet when he barks. He then doesn’t know that you are angry with him and not why. Instead, he perceives your loud voice as barking on your part and may even feel validated.

When the dog barks out of alertness or boredom

An underemployed dog and becomes a barker out of sheer boredom needs variety for the little head and lots of exercises. Take him for an extra-long walk before you go to work and leave him alone. If he has a powerful urge to move, you should take him out on the bike and vary the round.

Dog sports such as agility also ensure that your four-legged friend prefers to take a nap instead of barking out of boredom when he is alone at home for a few hours. However, this fast-paced sport is not suitable for every dog. If your four-legged friend is prone to hyperactivity and would somewhat be exhilarated than exhausted by agility, calmer training methods that challenge his concentration and appeal to his delicate senses are better suited for him, such as agility, obedience, trick, and trick dogging, dog dancing or nose work, in our guide “Conditioned Relaxation: Calming Your Dog,” you can read how to help your four-legged friend when he is easily agitated. Also, if your dog is physically limited or has to take it easy on his joints due to his height, intelligence games and concentration exercises are optimal for him to escape boredom.

A dog that barks out of vigilance at every noise in the stairwell should not be allowed to keep watch directly in front of the front door, if possible – if your hallway can be closed by an intermediate door, close it and leave your dog in the living area where he hears a little less of what is happening outside. Also, if you want to break him of the habit of barking, you can leave the radio on, as this will calm him down and ensure that the footsteps in the hallway are not the only noise he hears.

Barking out of fear and insecurity

If a dog is insecure and already sounds the alarm when just a jogger walks past you, you should give him security. Keep him on a leash, let him walk next to you, and let his behavior go unnoticed. Otherwise, you are inadvertently practicing positive reinforcement and “rewarding” your dog for his fearful behavior. This also happens when you want to comfort your darling and talk to him soothingly out of compassion and with the best intentions. Then he thinks he has every reason to be afraid when even his heart’s man and “pack leader” sees reason to de-escalate the situation. If, on the other hand, you act as if nothing is going on, your dog will understand that there is no reason to get upset and will calm down.

Constant barking: When is professional help necessary?

Dog sports can not only save your four-legged friend from boredom but also strengthen the bond between you and your dog and make him feel safe with you. It is best to get the help of a dog trainer who can break the barking habit of your anxious, bored, or overprotective pet. This is especially true if you don’t know why your dog barks so much.

If your four-legged friend has only recently started barking, even though he is usually a quiet dog, a visit to the vet won’t do any harm. Possibly your dog is ill and would like to communicate itself to you by barking. If the veterinarian could not determine any physical complaints, an animal psychologist can help you in addition to the dog trainer. He knows a lot about dog behavior, and by talking to you and working with your pet, he may be able to find reasons for his undesirably loud behavior that have so far remained hidden from you.



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