
Dog from the shelter: What you should pay attention to

Dog from the shelter: What you should pay attention to

Dog from the shelter: What you should pay attention to

A dog from the shelter is just as great as a dog from the breeder. Animal shelters are also keen to match four-legged friends with two-legged friends who are a good match. Nevertheless, there are also people who have bad experiences with shelter dogs. Here are tips to help you decide for or against a dog from the shelter.

If you adopt a dog from the shelter, you automatically do something good, because: If a four-legged friend finds a loving home, a place becomes free for another dog in need. So that everything fits at home, you should pay attention to a few things.

Dog from the shelter: Alternative to the breeder

In Germany, countless dogs live in animal shelters. Therefore, the acquisition of a shelter dog instead of a breeding dog should at least always be worth considering. For example, reputable animal shelters place particular emphasis on the fact that man and dog fit together well and that the living conditions can be reconciled with the acquisition of the animal. Otherwise, the animals would sooner or later end up back in the shelter and that is not helpful to either side.

Dog from the shelter: Tips for the selection

  • If you are considering the acquisition of a shelter animal, inquire about reputable homes in your area.
  • It makes a good impression when a shelter staff member takes plenty of time to advise you on choosing the right dog. Tip: Also take plenty of time to get to know potential new family members thoroughly.
  • Before you take a dog from the shelter home, you should visit it several times, take it for a walk and talk at length with the staff about its peculiarities.
  • In any case, also be honest about your living circumstances. Only in this way you can be sure to find the right four-legged companion for you.
  • In addition, inquire about the reasons why the dog lives in the shelter. Often animals are surrendered because life circumstances change. However, it is also conceivable that the four-legged friend was surrendered due to behavioral problems. This does not mean that this dog should be excluded. However, dog beginners could be overwhelmed.

Tips for the first time or for living with a dog from the shelter, you will find in the guide: “Dog from the shelter: The acclimatization takes time”.



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