
Dog accessories: basic equipment checklist

Dog accessories: basic equipment checklist

Dog accessories: basic equipment checklist

If you are thinking about buying a dog, you will of course need the necessary dog accessories for the pelt-nose. So that your four-legged friend lacks nothing, you will find here a checklist for the basic equipment.

Buying a dog involves a few necessary purchases. No matter whether puppy or adult dog – the following items on the dog accessories checklist you should already get before moving in the new family member, so that the cold-blooded can feel directly comfortable.

Drinking bowl and food bowl

Basic dog accessories include bowls, of course. A dog bowl for water and one for food. Ideally, the bowls have a non-slip bottom or stand on a non-slip mat. Tips on buying can be found in the guide: “How to find the right food bowl for your dog”.

Collar or chest harness

Also a must-have in terms of dog accessories is of course the appropriate collar or chest harness, to which the dog leash is attached. Both collar and harness must be precisely fitted to the dog’s body – trying them on in advance at a dog store is very important. Do not save at the wrong end – a good padding as well as a safe processing are the A and O. Here more information: “Tips for the right dog collar”.

Dog leash

Dog leashes come in a variety of styles. For example, you can choose an extendable stop leash, on which you can lead your four-legged friend both closely at heel, as well as a few meters ahead. More tips in the guide: “Leinenführung: So you get your dog used to the leash”.

Coat brush and comb

How often and how intensively you need to brush your dog depends on the breed and the type of dog fur. In any case, grooming is an important procedure, not only to ensure beautiful, healthy fur, but also to strengthen the relationship between dog and owner. Here are a few important coat care tips: “4 tips for proper coat care: wellness for the dog”.

Dog food and treats

One of the most important factors for a healthy and happy dog life is the right dog food. This should be of high quality and tailored to the needs of your four-legged partner. Make sure that you always have enough food at home. Also treats should be in stock in the cupboard, for example, to reward or educate the dog.

Dog basket or dog bed

Your dog’s sacred retreat is very important to him – this is where he can find peace, snooze and sleep. Buy a high-quality, well-made and, above all, cozy place for your cold-blooded dog. Tips for choosing the cozy dog basic equipment you can find in the guide: “Buy dog basket or dog bed for your dog”.

Dog toys

On the dog accessories checklist can not be missing dog toys, of course. There are quite a few different types of toys, including chew toys, intelligence toys, fun toys or sports toys. Just try out what suits your sofa wolf well. It is important that the toys are safe and free of harmful substances. More tips on the right toys in the article: “Hundespielzeug selber machen: Ideas for sleuths”.

Dog pharmacy and vet numbers

Whether it’s an insect bite, a paw injury or worse, you should always have a dog first-aid kit handy with the necessary items for first aid. You can also put claw clippers and tick tongs here. The numbers of the veterinarian and the veterinary emergency number should also be at hand. More tips on the contents of the dog first aid kit can be found in the guide: “Travel first aid kit for the dog: These utensils belong in it”.

Dog transport box

To be able to transport your dog in the car, you need a dog crate in which your animal friend can travel safely; for example, for a walk in the countryside or to the vet.

Cuddle blanket and towels

Dogs love their cuddly blanket, which houses their own scent and provides peace and comfort. Towels are also important, such as for drying their fur after a rainy walk or if your dog has splashed in a puddle.



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