
Bathing dogs: These mistakes you should avoid

Bathing dogs: These mistakes you should avoid

Bathing dogs: These mistakes you should avoid

There are many reasons why a bath is worthwhile for your dog. But whether he’s in the mood for a mud bath, jumped into a deep puddle of dirt, or even rolled around in poop, it doesn’t matter: Avoid these mistakes when cleaning your best friend in the bathtub.

There is no rule about how often a dog should be bathed. In individual cases, it may be rarely necessary. On the other hand, there are always situations after which your partner with the cold snout could also urgently need a bath. Then try to avoid these pitfalls.

Wrong shampoo and water temperature

It is a common thought: My shampoo meant for humans I can use just as well for my dog! Attention, this consideration is wrong! The wrong agent can all too easily attack dog fur, and the hair’s natural protective layer can be destroyed. That is why there are special dog shampoos whose ingredients do not harm your four-legged friend’s coat.

The water temperature is also often set incorrectly. Choose the temperature neither too cold nor too hot. In addition, the lukewarm stream should not be too strong.

Incorrect showering and drying

Pay special attention to the eyes and ears of your best friend when showering. He is compassionate here. Be especially careful when rinsing the shampoo in these areas. Take care when rinsing your dog’s entire body to eliminate all the shampoo.

After washing and rinsing, first, use your hands to wipe the water from the coat. Then rub it dry with a clean towel. Don’t worry; most dogs have a slight problem with this. If they do, you should relax the situation by playing or talking. If you absolutely must use a blow dryer, be sure to set the airflow temperature to cold. Or you can buy a dog hair dryer that dries exclusively at room temperature.

Too much stress

For many dogs, an upcoming bath is initially threatening, and often the animal is reluctant to get into the tub. So avoid anything that could mean additional stress for your four-legged friend. This includes, for example, an unsteady stand in the tub – take precautions with a rubber mat. Also, avoid massaging the shampoo directly into the coat: Lather it up in your hand first.



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