

Behavioral problems in dogs: recognizing problems

Behavioral problems in dogs: recognizing problems

Behavioral problems in dogs: recognizing problems Whether excessive aggression, constant barking, or extreme anxiety – behavioral problems in dogs have many faces. The causes for the issues can be found primarily on not species-appropriate attitude, wrong education, and inadequate treatment. Behavioral disorders can often only be remedied with professional help. In the worst case, behavioral …

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Dog with intestinal obstruction: recognize symptoms

Dog with intestinal obstruction: recognize symptoms

Dog with intestinal obstruction: recognize symptoms Intestinal obstruction is a severe condition in dogs. If the intestinal tube is blocked or narrowed, the food no longer passes unhindered through the digestive tract, which in the worst case can lead to death. How to recognize the symptoms in time, the possible causes, and the treatment? Read …

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Inflamed anal glands in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment

Inflamed anal glands in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment

Inflamed anal glands in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment The anal glands in dogs secrete scent marks so that the dog can mark its territory. Unfortunately, the glands at the anus can become inflamed. What symptoms anal gland inflammation brings with it, what causes it and what the treatment of the disease looks like, you will …

Inflamed anal glands in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment Read More »

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