Dog Health – Cute and funny, info and tips about dogs, cats and other animals. Great pictures and funny videos from the animal world. Your animals on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:59:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dog Health – 32 32 Non-core vaccinations for dogs: which ones are useful? Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:59:18 +0000 Non-core vaccinations for dogs: which ones are useful? Read More »

Non-core vaccinations for dogs: which ones are useful?

When it comes to preventive vaccinations for your dog, a distinction is made between so-called core vaccinations (mandatory vaccinations) and non-core vaccinations (optional vaccinations). The former is necessary and should be refreshed regularly. The need for elective vaccinations depends on how old your dog is and what condition he is in.

Some vaccinations are essential – this is true for both humans and dogs. But then, in the animal world, there are what are called non-core vaccinations. These elective vaccinations are controversial among veterinarians. While some doctors advise non-core vaccinations, others reject them. Usually, however, it should be decided on an individual basis whether such vaccination is appropriate for your dog.

What are non-core vaccinations?

Unlike compulsory vaccinations, elective vaccinations do not necessarily have to be carried out on every dog. However, they are always helpful if the dog is exposed to an increased risk of infection.

The following non-core vaccinations are standard:

● Babesiosis (canine malaria): the duration of action of the vaccine is six months.
● Kennel cough: the course of action of the vaccine is one year.
Lyme disease: the course of action of the vaccine is four to six months against Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii and one year against Borrelia burgdorferi senso stricto.
● Canine herpes virus (also known as “puppy death”).
● Leishmaniasis: the duration of action of the vaccine is one year.
● Tetanus
● Coronavirus
● Fungal diseases (dermatophytosis, microsporidiosis, trichophytosis): vaccine duration of action varies from nine months to one year.

Non-core vaccinations: Meaningful protection against disease?

Giving a non-core vaccination is always up to the dog owner. Before subjecting your dog to such a vaccination, you should weigh the benefits against the risks, as side effects can always occur. Your veterinarian will help you decide if a vaccination will help or hurt your dog more. For example, it may make sense to vaccinate your dog against Lyme disease if you are often out in the woods or meadows where there are many ticks.

Likewise, it is advisable to protect dogs housed in kennels against kennel cough as a precautionary measure. In contrast, a family dog housed in the house is less likely to contact the pathogens.

Elective vaccination for your dog: What you should consider

Keep in mind that vaccinations can have side effects. Elective vaccinations against Lyme disease, for example, can bring severe side effects such as inflammation of the kidney. Therefore, it is not advisable to have your pet vaccinated against all possible diseases as a precaution. On the other hand, it makes sense to protect at-risk dogs from specific pathogens with additional elective vaccinations.

Also, consider that a non-core vaccination does not always protect your dog from infection but sometimes only mitigates the disease if the four-legged friend has become infected. Many elective vaccines also have a concise duration of action, rarely exceeding one year.

Non-core vaccinations: Veterinarian creates individualized vaccination schedule

It is best to have an annual vaccination discussion with your veterinarian. They will determine your pet’s risk of infection and create a vaccination schedule that makes sense for the individual. For each vaccination and when determining the appropriate vaccination interval until a possible booster vaccination, the veterinarian will take into account the individual risk of your dog as well as the epidemiological conditions of the environment. In general, the following applies to non-core vaccinations: As much as necessary and as little as possible.

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Worms in dogs: prevention Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:55:39 +0000 Worms in dogs: prevention Read More »

Worms in dogs: prevention

Worms in dogs are not only annoying but also dangerous. An undetected worm infestation can lead to serious health risks such as anemia, inflammation, and intestinal obstruction so that it does not come so far; the following are a few tips to prevent worms.

Most worm species infect dogs by ingesting worm eggs or worm larvae when sniffing or eating. However, parasites also introduce some types of worms into the dog’s body. There is usually nothing you can do about this. However, there are ways to prevent worm infestation as much as possible.

Regular worming prevents worm infestation.

An excellent way to prevent worms in dogs is to give them a regular worming treatment. It should be carried out every three to six months and sometimes prevents newly swallowed larvae and worm eggs from growing into worms. Worming is especially useful for high-risk groups such as hunting dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors unsupervised.

A puppy should be given its first worming treatment when it is 10 to 14 days old, as it may have picked up the parasites through its mother. A regular checkup from the veterinarian provides dog owners with clarity about the health of their pets: Those who have their dogs examined twice a year for dangerous parasites such as heartworms are on the safe side.

Preventing worms: What you can do at home

If you want to protect your dog from worms, you should make sure your four-legged friend has a clean place to sleep and stay. Cleaning the environment with a saltwater solution is particularly effective in the fight against worms. In addition, it is essential to watch what the dog eats. Raw meat and offal can promote worm infestation and thus do not belong on the pet’s menu. When walking, it is also essential, especially with young dogs, to make sure that they do not eat animal droppings. Contact with stray animals and rodents should also be avoided.

Regular control after flea infestation

Since fleas can transmit tapeworms, regular control after a possible flea infestation makes sense. If you want to go on vacation with your dog, you should also check with your vet beforehand to determine what health risks your destination poses. It may be advisable to protect against fleas, mosquitoes, and other pests in advance. And if, despite all precautions, symptoms of a worm infestation appear in your dogs, such as excruciating itching at the anus, bloody diarrhea, or frequent vomiting, it is essential to visit the vet as soon as possible – so that he can initiate effective treatment.

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Causes of osteoarthritis in dogs Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:51:51 +0000 Causes of osteoarthritis in dogs Read More »

Causes of osteoarthritis in dogs

The causes of osteoarthritis in dogs are still not fully understood. However, it is clear that the dog’s age plays a role in the development of the disease – some pre-existing conditions can lead to joint wear.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis in dogs is a joint disease caused by wear and tear in the joints, causing restricted movement and pain. Once the process is started, it does not stop on its own, and the wear and tear are steadily advanced. The disease cannot be cured, but its progression can be slowed down with the help of good treatment and support.

Osteoarthritis occurs particularly frequently in older dogs because, over the years, the joints of the four-legged friends wear out. However, younger dogs can also suffer from joint wear and tear if their joints are subjected to a lot of stress.

Causes of arthrosis in dogs: pre-existing conditions

Arthrosis is preceded by damage to the joints. These can have very different causes. Does your dog suffer from arthritis? Then you should pay attention to possible symptoms of arthrosis. Because like other joint diseases, arthritis is also one of the causes of osteoarthritis.

The correct treatment of arthritis in dogs is essential because if this infectious joint disease is not or insufficiently treated, joint cartilage and consequently the standard structure can be destroyed. However, deformities such as hip dysplasia (HD) or growth disorders can also lead to joint damage. In rarer cases, metabolic disorders of the articular cartilage cells are the cause of osteoarthritis.

Joint wear due to injuries

In addition to diseases, joint damage can occur due to injuries. If your four-legged friend spares the affected body parts, this can always result in a more significant load on other factors and the corresponding joints. In addition, inflammatory reactions can occur in connection with injuries, which lead to water retention in the joints. This increases the pressure on the bones. This, in turn, promotes cartilage degradation and thus joint wear.

Watch the weight

In principle, plenty of exercises are suitable for your pet, but you should ensure that your dog’s joints are not overstressed. For example, climbing stairs too early or too often can promote joint problems, as can too-long walks or bike rides when your dog is a puppy.

Even though a treat as a reward can’t hurt, you should also always keep an eye on your pet’s weight. Excess weight puts additional strain on the joints, leads to signs of wear and tear, and is thus also one of the causes of osteoarthritis in dogs.

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Herpes in dogs: vaccination against puppy deaths Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:48:11 +0000 Herpes in dogs: vaccination against puppy deaths Read More »

Herpes in dogs: vaccination against puppy deaths

Herpes in dogs is especially dangerous for puppies – not for nothing is an infection with the Canine Herpes Virus, also called “puppy death.”

Canine herpes is harmless to humans, and even adult cold sores usually cope well with the infection. However, for newborn puppies, infection with the virus is almost always fatal.

Cause of herpes in dogs: The Canine Herpes Virus
The pathogen CHV-1 is the most common trigger for dogs’ so-called kennel cough and fertility problems. But the most dramatic effects of the herpes virus are on puppies – they usually do not survive an infection.

About ten percent of all dogs in single ownership are infected with the virus, often without symptoms. However, if many animals live together in close quarters, 50 to 100 percent of them can be shown to have a past infection.

This herpes virus only affects dogs, so there is no danger to humans or other animals.

Infection and prevention

Herpes is shed in dogs through all body fluids. When sniffed or licked, the pathogen enters the immune system through the respiratory tract. Although less frequently than via the respiratory mucous membranes, the infection can also occur during mating. Puppies should be kept away from other dogs during the first few weeks to minimize disease risk.

The virus feels most comfortable at 35 to 36 degrees Celsius. Already at 38 to 39 degrees Celsius, the multiplication rate is reduced to such an extent that there is little danger from the herpes pathogens. Since fresh puppies tend to hypothermia, you offer the viruses perfect breeding conditions. Therefore, ensuring sufficient warmth in the whelping box – 38 degrees Celsius keeps the virus at bay and the little pelt noses snug and warm.

The dog herpes virus is also not particularly resistant in other respects: even average cleaning agents kill it. General cleanliness can therefore contribute a lot to the protection against CHV-1 and is very important, especially in dog groups.

Symptoms of herpes in adult dogs

Adult dogs often show no symptoms at all. The insidious thing about herpes is that it is a latent infection. The virus is always present after illness and is not curable – but it “sleeps” most of the time in the body and is only activated when the immune system weakens. This happens, for example, when the animals are stressed, pregnant or sick. As soon as the virus is active, the affected animals can infect their conspecifics.

If the herpes virus becomes active, rather diffuse symptoms can be observed:

● mild respiratory symptoms
● cough
● rhinitis
● eye discharge
● Discharge from vagina or foreskin.

When bitches first contact CHV-1 during pregnancy, they usually lose the puppies, or the pups are stillborn.

Symptoms of herpes in puppies
Puppies can become infected with herpes either in the womb, at birth, through the mother’s vaginal secretions, or later through other dogs. Depending on how old the puppies are, the consequences differ.

Puppies younger than three weeks almost always die after one to two days. Sometimes with no symptoms at all, sometimes with the following warning signs:

● Lack of sucking
● Diarrhea
● Whining
● Gagging and vomiting

Puppies between three and five weeks of age have slightly better chances of survival but often carry nerve damage. Herpes infection manifests in them by:

● sniffles
● Cough
● Eye discharge
● tremors
● Deafness
● Blindness

After the fifth week of life, puppies cope with herpes similarly to adult animals – no treatment is possible or necessary in adulthood.

Vaccination for pregnant bitches

To prevent puppy death, bitches can be vaccinated if they do not have antibodies due to a previous infection. Vaccination ensures that you pass on the immune protection to their babies through the blood and breast milk, so they are well protected for the first few weeks of life.

Vaccination is given during heat or seven to ten days after mating. Two weeks before the due date, there is a booster vaccination. This immunization is also necessary again for the next litter.

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Fight fleas: tips against the parasites in dogs Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:42:48 +0000 Fight fleas: tips against the parasites in dogs Read More »

Fight fleas: tips against the parasites in dogs

Fighting fleas – that’s not so easy. The nasty little pests infest your dog with ease – getting rid of them again can then become a test of patience. Prevention, timely detection, and quick action are accordingly important. Here you will find tips on how to do this.

If your dog is scratching more often, he may have caught fleas. You may also notice that parasites have settled in the dog’s fur during regular grooming. Fleas are three to four millimeters in size and are easily visible to the human eye.

Fighting fleas: Recognizing parasites in the dog’s fur

A fine-toothed comb also helps to detect fleas in the dog’s fur. If you find black dots on your four-legged friend’s skin, do a test with white kitchen paper: dampen it slightly and rub the tiny drops. If they turn reddish-brown, it is the blood that the fleas have absorbed and excreted.

Other symptoms of flea infestation are the following indications:

● (dog scratches remarkably often and extensively).
● Skin rash with redness and blemishes (inner thigh and belly particularly affected).
● Scratches on the skin, possibly inflamed.
● Bald patches on the coat
● Later: severe hair loss and thickened skin.

In this case, quickly take your dog to the vet. He will prescribe preparations against flea infestation and explain how to apply them.

Please get rid of dog fleas: This is how it works.

In the case of a light flea infestation, treatment with a spot-on preparation is usually sufficient. There are also tablets that your dog takes and whose active ingredient kills the fleas. You should also use these products and flea collars to prevent fleas. If there are already a lot of pests in your dog’s fur, you can fight the fleas with a special spray or powder.

If that doesn’t help, you can bathe your dog and use a special anti-flea shampoo. But be sure to ask your vet for advice on how to apply and dose the product so that you get rid of the fleas, but do not harm your dog in the process.

Ridding your home of dog fleas: Proceed carefully.

Have you got the acute flea infestation of your four-legged friend under control? Then it would help if you now protected him from a new infestation. Fleas lay their eggs everywhere in the environment, so your animal companion can easily catch parasites again as soon as the fleas have hatched and the larvae are fully grown. Therefore, you need to wash all the textiles of the dog carefully. This includes his blanket, dog bed, stuffed animals, and dog clothes.

The washing temperature should be at least 60 degrees Celsius. If this is not possible, sprays and powders will help against the annoying beasts – your vet will also know advice on this. Ambient sprays are also the means of choice to get rid of the stubborn pests in the rest of the apartment. It’s best to spray every corner, even the smallest crevice, with it – the sofa, carpets, floor mats, pillows, and so on. Then the fleas won’t stand a chance.

Attention. Following the flea treatment, you should perform a worming therapy on your pet, as fleas can transmit tapeworms, for example. These can lead to significant damage to your dog’s health.

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Why dogs should not drink from puddles Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:38:48 +0000 Why dogs should not drink from puddles Read More »

Why dogs should not drink from puddles

Most dogs love to drink from puddles while walking to quench their thirst. Moreover, puddles smell extremely interesting to dogs, which arouses their curiosity. Unfortunately, the pleasure is not harmless for your animal companion – pathogens lurk in puddle water.

Especially leptospirosis is a danger for dogs that like to drink from puddles. The pathogens can also be transmitted to humans and cause flu-like symptoms. But Giardia in puddle water can also make your dog sick.

Caution. The danger of leptospirosis when dogs drink from puddles

Mice and rats, in particular, carry leptospires, as the pathogens that cause leptospirosis are called. They do not become ill themselves, but they still excrete leptospires through their urine. Because feral rats and mice don’t care where their droppings end up, their urine can be almost anywhere in the wild. The leptospirosis pathogens feel particularly at home in moist, mild environments – which is why they multiply especially briskly in ponds, pools, and, indeed, puddles.

If your dog drinks the puddle water, he ingests the leptospires directly. An infection is noticeable by vomiting and diarrhea as well as frequent urination. In addition, the skin and mucous membranes turn yellowish. If you suspect leptospirosis, you should immediately take your dog to the vet. Caught early, the disease can be treated well with antibiotics.

Caution. Leptospirosis belongs to the so-called zoonoses – diseases transmitted from animal to human. If you observe an intense fever and symptoms resemble the flu, go to the doctor quickly and clarify it. Otherwise, it can lead to meningitis or organ damage.

Giardia in puddle water causes diarrhea in dogs.

Giardia is shed in the feces of infected animals and can survive in cool water for several weeks. Puddles near dog runs and other places in nature where many dogs hang out are ideal breeding grounds for the parasites. But other stagnant bodies of water may also be contaminated with the pathogens. Dogs that drink the water from these puddles can become infected with Giardia. The result: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, and weight loss.

Again, if you suspect this, see your veterinarian quickly. He can help your dog get rid of the intestinal parasites. Certain antibiotics or worming treatments are used. If other animals live in your household, you should have them treated against Giardia as a precaution. And also, take care of yourself: Giardia can spread to humans. Use rubber gloves when you come into contact with the excrement of your sick dog.

Can you stop dogs from drinking puddles?

Dogs don’t know that they shouldn’t drink from puddles because it can make them sick. For them, it means pleasure and enjoyment to feast on puddle water. This is even more true for hunting dogs and other dog breeds that like to browse and explore in the wild. Therefore, it is not easy to stop dogs from drinking puddle water.

You can try to avoid dangerous sports – such as dog runs or

Nature trails near standing bodies of water. Or you can consistently leash your dog and say “No!” as soon as he approaches a puddle. The best way to offer him an alternative is to give him a drinking bowl with fresh water. Then he will feel it less of punishment not to slurp from the puddle.

How to prevent leptospirosis and giardia

A vaccine is available against some leptospirosis pathogens. Unfortunately, the vaccine does not help against the many other leptospires, but it can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Leptospirosis vaccination is especially recommended for dogs that can’t avoid puddles and ponds. Please discuss whether it would be beneficial for your dog to be vaccinated with your veterinarian.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against Giardia. Here, you can essentially try to keep your dog away from puddles. Also, make sure that your environment is sufficiently hygienic and that your four-legged friend does not come into contact with the excrement of other animals, if possible.

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Joint problems in dogs: how to prevent them Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:34:23 +0000 Joint problems in dogs: how to prevent them Read More »

Joint problems in dogs: how to prevent them

To reach old age free of pain – that’s what all dog owners wish for their beloved. However, joint problems in dogs are becoming increasingly common in older and massive four-legged friends. With these tips, you can prevent joint problems in dogs.

Causes of joint problems in dogs

Painful joints in dogs can have various causes. These include:

● genetic predisposition such as hip joint dysplasia.
● Overstimulation of the joints during the growth phase due to excessive strain
● incorrect diet

Avoid being overweight in dogs.

This tip goes without saying: being overweight is not healthy for either humans or animals and is one of the leading causes of joint problems in dogs. Every kilo too much can strain your dog’s joints and lead to severe problems in old age. Therefore, you should pay attention to the healthy weight of your four-legged friend.

If your dog already has a little too much on the ribs, a diet and sufficient exercise will help. Here it is essential to pay attention to the right measure. If possible, you should completely stop snacking between meals. This is the only way to keep track of how many calories your dog is eating. How many calories are allowed is best calculated with the help of a veterinarian. Counting your dog’s energy needs may be tedious, but it is essential for its health.

Protect joints through regular movement

As a general rule, exercise promotes joint health. It strengthens the muscles as well as the ligaments and tendons. However, your dog must perform precise movements at a moderate pace. They are easier on the joints than constant jumps and abrupt stops. Also, make sure that your dog warms up a little first when going for a run and does not sprint after a stick or ball right at the start.

Proper nutrition against joint problems in dogs

You can prevent joint problems in dogs with the proper diet. Food supplements can help strengthen joints and bones. In this way, you can avoid nutrition-related complaints as far as possible, ideally starting in puppyhood. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are highly concentrated in fish and linseed oil, are beneficial for joint health. Tip: Ask your vet for advice on which food best suits your dog’s needs.

Prevent with gentle ground

When taking your dog for a walk, make sure you have a suitable surface. Ground that is too hard, such as asphalt or stone, does not cushion jumps and stress joints. Forest, field, or meadow surfaces are not only easier on the joints but are also usually more beautiful. By the way, this also applies to your dog’s sleeping place. Make sure that your cold-nosed dog has a soft surface to sleep on.

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Five health tips for dogs in winter Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:30:43 +0000 Five health tips for dogs in winter Read More »

Five health tips for dogs in winter

Anyone who has observed dogs in winter knows that most four-legged friends love this time of year. Fun factor number 1 is, of course, the snow. But as beautiful as the white goings-on are – when it comes to dog health, there are a few things you should keep in mind during the cold season.

Dipping your nose in the snow, catching snowflakes out of the air, and sprinting across a white winter meadow – all of this is fun, but it also poses dangers. The following five tips will help your Wuff stay healthy.

  1. watch out for hypothermia

On any winter walk, make sure your dog gets enough exercise. If it’s cold outside, dogs will freeze in the winter if their circulation is not active. However, if running, spotting, and retrieving occur, the cold usually doesn’t bother your woof. By the way, just as in midsummer, don’t lock dogs in the car for too long in winter. The vehicle can quickly become an ice chest. Hypothermia danger also threatens with long waiting outside, for example, before the supermarket.

  1. paw care for dogs in winter

Make sure that your dog always has as short as possible fur between the toes in winter, and cut the paw hairs regularly, especially for long-haired snow lovers. Otherwise, snow and ice can get stuck there, often resulting in hard, painful ice pellets between the toes that can cause inflammation. Don’t forget: In addition to the fur on the paws, the rest of the dog’s coat also needs more care than usual in winter.

  1. on safe paths: Avoid road salt and grit

In winter, some roads and paths are mainly covered with road salt or grit. What helps people not to slip sometimes harms sensitive dog paws. The pads react quickly with slight injuries or inflammations. Tip: Use paw protection wax available in specialized shops – this protects against a bunion injury caused by road salt. An alternative is special paw protection shoes for dogs. However, most dogs have to get used to these garments in winter.

  1. dog clothes can be useful

Dog clothes are advisable for some dogs in winter. Usually, furry noses do not freeze with enough exercise – but some dog breeds need it especially warm. For animals with little or short fur and weakened, sick, or older dogs, dog clothing is advisable in winter at sub-zero temperatures.

  1. the proper nutrition in winter

Experts still argue whether dogs need more food in winter due to a higher energy requirement. As a rule, four-legged friends do not have an increased energy requirement – other food often only affects excess weight. Just pay attention to a healthy and balanced dog diet as usual. If you like, you can feed a dog food with additional vitamins in winter – it is best to consult your vet about this.

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How old do dogs get? Interesting facts about life expectancy Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:26:31 +0000 How old do dogs get? Interesting facts about life expectancy Read More »

How old do dogs get? Interesting facts about life expectancy

How old do dogs become? This is a question that concerns many dog owners. The life expectancy for dogs is significantly lower than that of us humans. Most four-legged friends live between 10 and 16 years, depending on the dog breed and life circumstances.

The oldest dog in the world was (probably) a bitch. The Kelpie lady Maggie reached a biblical age for fur noses and became 30. So she was by her owner Brian McLaren’s side for almost a third of human life, until she finally fell asleep in her dog basket in 2016. Such an advanced dog age, however, is scarce.

Does one human year equal seven dog years?

It used to be a widely accepted calculation rule that one human year equals seven dog years. Accordingly, dogs would have a life expectancy of about 14 years. However, this cannot be said so generally because it depends on how old a dog becomes – and besides, a dog like a human being is always as old as he feels. For example, some four-legged friends are much more agile and fit at an age in the double digits than congeners, such as seven or eight years old.

Life expectancy depends on dog breed.

One of these factors is the breed of a dog. Small dog breeds under 15 kilograms of body weight generally live longer than large dog breeds over 40 kilograms. Medium breeds between 15 and 40 kilograms of body weight have a longer life expectancy on average than large dogs but do not live as long as small dogs. Large dog breeds such as Great Danes are not fully grown until they are two years old, but they begin to show old age by six or seven. Their life expectancy is eleven years at the most.

Medium-sized dogs such as Schnauzers or Cocker Spaniels start to grow old at about seven or eight years of age. Small four-legged dogs like Dachshunds or Shih Tzu can theoretically live as long as 20 years and are not considered senior citizens until they are about ten years old. Medium-sized and tiny dog breeds grow up faster and have usually already reached their full size at one to one and a half years.

How dogs live longer: tips

However, the average life expectancy of dogs is only a guideline; in fact, it also depends very much on the circumstances of a dog, how old he becomes. For example, a healthy dog diet can usually improve and extend dog life. In addition, dogs need plenty of activity, exercise, and loving care to live a long, happy life.

When the first signs of aging begin to show in your dog, you should regularly take him to the vet for medical check-ups. You can recognize a senior dog, for example, because he gets gray hairs around his muzzle and seems a bit tired and slow overall. Sometimes the senses can also gradually diminish; hearing, eyes, sense of smell no longer work properly. However, with a lot of patience and love, you can give your old dog a nice retirement.

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What shortens the life expectancy of dogs? Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:23:02 +0000 What shortens the life expectancy of dogs? Read More »

What shortens the life expectancy of dogs?

The life expectancy of dogs is on average ten to 16 years and depends, among other things, on their owners. No matter how well-intentioned, some harmless decisions can shorten a dog’s lifespan. What these factors are, is revealed here.

Dogs are precious family members, good friends, and animal soul mates. It is, therefore, all the more critical that the four-legged friends have a long and healthy life ahead of them. And even if one is not immune to many a blow of fate, the owners have the best conditions for a high life expectancy of dogs in their hands. If your partner on four paws is dear to you, you should therefore avoid the following life-shortening factors:

  1. skipping the annual check-up.

Even if the dog seems fit, even healthy four-legged friends should be examined once a year by a veterinarian. After all, dogs cannot communicate, and many signs of illness are not visible to the naked eye.

Usually, the check-up is performed with the annual vaccination. Then the veterinarian examines the teeth, eyes, fur, and skin of the pet once more closely. If there is any suspicion, further examinations can then follow.

In the case of older animals, a blood test is also worthwhile. Then the veterinarian can see how the individual organs of the dog are doing. In the case of diseases, he can react quickly, which is not the case if owners avoid the annual check-up because they think it is a waste of time or money.

  1. harmful or missing socialization of the dog

Dogs need friends: just like humans, they are social creatures. Interactions with other people and other conspecifics strengthen the animal’s social skills and are therefore essential.

A lack of socialization or poor socialization, on the other hand, can have an impact on the life expectancy of dogs. Because they are not used to contact others, walks or visits mean pure stress for them. This can be expressed, among other things, in the form of aggressive behavior, self-injury, or dermatological problems.

  1. too many kilos harm the dog

Fact is: Overweight shortens the life expectancy of dogs. On the one hand, obesity damages the musculoskeletal system of animals. Ligaments, tendons, and joints are heavily stressed, which can cause diseases such as osteoarthritis. In addition, overweight four-legged friends are at increased risk for high blood pressure, organ diseases, metabolic disorders, and diabetes.

In addition to shortened life expectancy, the animal’s quality of life is also reduced. An obese dog is extremely limited in terms of mobility and condition. Only a weight reduction through a change in diet can help.

  1. no or an only a little run

By nature, dogs have a strong urge to move. The owner needs to keep up with this. Bicycle tours, a long walk, or a trip to the dog meadow, where the four-legged friend can romp around sufficiently, strengthen the animal’s immune system, and give him a lot of happy hormones.

But not only good run is indispensable for the high life expectancy of dogs, but the animals also want to be mentally challenged. Retrieval exercises or participation in agility groups are ideal for this.

  1. bad teeth in dogs

Dental problems in dogs are a severe problem. Not only do they cause pain when eating, but bacterial inflammation can also affect internal organs – an infection pathway that is often underestimated. A typical control and chewing things in the form of hard bones provide a remedy and give the four-legged friends a healthy and, above all, long dog life.

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